Dietitian and Nutritionist

Allied Health Professionals

Dietitian Services on the Gold Coast

Dietitian Nutritionist

Jean-Mari Mouton
APD, AN B.Nutri. & Dietetics (AU)

With a passion for individualised care alongside working with families, Jean-Mari prides herself on providing compassionate patient centered care. With an appreciation of culture and individuality, as well as a contagious enthusiasm for good food, Jean-Mari endeavours to motivate and empower her patients to pursue healthy behaviours and guide them to work through priorities and barriers as they move towards achieving their individual health and nutritional goals. Jean-Mari believes everyone should have the opportunity to experience the pleasures of food while also staying healthy and feeling great.

Jean-Mari provides practical and evidenced-based nutritional advice to help her patients achieve long-term results. Qualified to tailor nutrition advice and find the best approach for each person, which is the cornerstone of ‘Medical Nutrition therapy’. With a background of successfully managing numerous clinics across the Gold Coast and Northern NSW, Jean-Mari’s diverse working experience enabled her to specialise in many areas including cardiovascular disease, oncology, bariatric surgery, weight management, aged care, gastrointestinal conditions, diabetes and dietary intolerances.
Nutritional Support For Your Heart

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