Hospital Admission

Everything to Know About Hospital Admission

Hospital FAQs

  • What do I need to do to arrange admission to hospital?

    When your cardiologist decides you need to be admitted for a procedure, he will arrange (with his secretary) for all the necessary paperwork to be forwarded to the relevant departments to book the procedure.

    However, you will need to complete a hospital pre-admission/admission form and return it to the hospital before the day of your procedure. This form can be provided when you see the doctor, sent to you by our practice or completed online (see below). 

    Examples of the information to be completed in the pre-admission forms are as follows:

    • Patient personal details
    • Medicare and health fund details
    • Privacy information
    • Doctor’s referral form (this will be completed by your cardiologist)
    • Consent for treatment
    • Patient medical history
    • Patient medications
  • General admission information

    Should you have any queries when completing the form, you should call the relevant hospital's patient services department, not your cardiologist.

    Gold Coast Private Hospital -  07 5530 0480 

    Pindara Private Hospital - 1800 813 071 

    John Flynn Private Hospital - 1300 130 080

  • Online Hospital Admission Forms

  • What do I need to do on the day of my procedure?

    At the time of booking your procedure, your Doctor’s secretary will advise you of the preparation required for your procedure. You may also receive an email from us confirming the information advised.  Generally, you should:

    • Arrive at the hospital approximately 2 hours prior to the procedure time;
    • For morning procedures, refrain from eating or drinking after midnight the night before;
    • For afternoon procedures, not having anything to eat or drink after 6 am;
    • Speak to your doctor regarding whether or not you should take your medications;
    • Arrange for someone to drive you home (day procedures).
    • You should also bring the following with you to the hospital:
    • All current medications;
    • An overnight bag if need to stay overnight (or longer);
    • Any relevant X-rays;
    • Your Medicare, pension, DVA, pharmaceutical benefits and health fund membership cards (if applicable).
  • What happens when I arrive at the hospital?

    You need to report to the admissions department at the hospital. From there, you will be taken to either the day procedure area or ward. You will be admitted by a member of the nursing staff and prepared for the procedure. A consent form for the procedure will need to be signed if you haven't already signed one.

  • What happens after my procedure?

    Your cardiologist will normally discuss the results of the procedure immediately after it is completed, or you may be transferred to the ward and your cardiologist will see you there to discuss the results. Any further instructions will be given to you at that time.  An appointment for followup will be made on discharge if required.

    Should you have any further queries in relation to your hospital admission, you should phone the patient services department of the relevant hospital. Phone numbers and links to the hospital websites can be found on the Links page of our website.

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